Argument - Joe Lacks

One of the arguments against giving people legal ownership of their tissues is summarized in the following quote from David Korn, vice provost for research at Harvard University: “I think people are morally obligated to allow their bits and pieces to be used to advance knowledge to help others. Since everybody benefits, everybody can accept the small risks of having their tissue scraps used in research.” Respond to this in the viewpoint of your character, written in first person.

I believe that people should have the legal rights to their tissues.  My mother offered to let her tissues be used for science.  But once the scientists and doctors got ahold of her personal information they felt the need to let everyone know.  I would have liked my mothers tissues to be in the possession of my father or one of my older siblings.  I may not have the same last name but we are blood related.  She is my mother and she is apart of my family.  We should have the rights to what happens with her tissues.  I understand that they are helping to have strides in science but exploiting my mothers personal information is not ok. 


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